Kakegurui Wikia

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Kakegurui Wikia
Kakegurui Wikia

The Beautification Council is a body of students who work directly under the Student Council to deal with problematic students, gambling den fees, and enforcement of debt payments. Because of the close relationship with the council, the Beautification Council is generally head by a Student Council member.


Kakegurui (Anime)[]

In the anime, the only time the majority of the council is shown is Episodes 6 and 7, in which they detain Yumeko Jabami and Ryota Suzui. They take them to the underground Beautification Council interrogation room, in which Yumeko and Midari Ikishima, President of the council, play the ESP Game, in which Midari is soundly defeated, despite her efforts to cheat.

Appearances (Members)[]

Kakegurui (Manga)[]

The manga is the only time in which the full Beautification Council is shown. They are only shown in volume 3, in which they detain Yumeko Jabami and Ryota Suzui. They take them to the underground Beautification Committee interrogation room, in which Yumeko and Midari Ikishima, President of the council, play the ESP Game, in which Midari is soundly defeated, despite her efforts to cheat.

Appearances (Members)[]

Kakegurui Twin[]

In Kakegurui Twin, Midari has yet to fill the position of president for the committee with Sakura instead as president. The irony and foreshadowing in Twin to the rest of the series is in volume 3 when Sakura comes to collect Midari's room fees (she's been stealing peoples dens), and they gamble. Sakura wins.

Appearance (Members)[]

Future Members[]

Kakegurui Midari[]

Kakegurui Midari revolves around the Beautification Committee. It welcomes four new members (Ayame, Tooame, Shagatake, and Kururudo)

Appearance (Members)[]

Fun Facts[]

  • In Kakegurui Midari, only 3 of Midari's accomplices are named, but in Kakegurui Twin, 4 girls are shown. In the anime, only 2 are shown, and in the novel, in the beginning, it shows 4, but in the special underground Beautification office, only the 2 that were shown in the anime are there.
  • As shown with Midari dealing with Nana Ootori‘s “side business” of forcing the female classmate's in debt to her to prostitute themselves to rich men to pay her back, one of the duties of the Beautification Council is preventing other students from taking advantage of the Housepet System for illegal purposes. As shown where Kirari took personal action towards Ootori’s clients and forced them to back off, ironically putting her in debt as they demanded their advance payments to her returned.
    • Showing that one of the primary duties of the Beautification Council was also to ensure that the level of illegal activity of the Academy doesn’t get too much out of control and cause the government and the police to get involved.