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The Greater Good game (公共財ゲーム) is a game in Kakegurui that happened during the Election. It was played by Yumeko Jabami, Itsuki Sumeragi, Kaede Manyuda, Ibara Obami and Miroslava Honebami. Terano Totobami provided the votes used as reward for the winners. It was overseen by Rumia Uru.



Rumia announcing the results

The Greater Good game involves 5 players and 5 rounds. To win, a player must have at least 40 coins and the most coins out of all other players at the end of the game. 

Each round, each player is taken to a different room and given 5 coins which they then may distribute any combination of to their personal box and/or the tax deposit box. Coins placed in the personal box are immediately added to the players score. At the end of the round, coins placed in tax deposit box from all players are counted, doubled, and then distributed evenly (rounded up) to each player, adding to their scores.

A short discussion period takes place before each round. Once during the game and during this period, the majority of players (3) may vote to remove another player from the game. If this is done, that player will immediately lose and their coins will be forfeited.

Because coins placed in the personal box are counted as is, if all players were to only add all of their coins to it each round, no player would exceed 40 coins and there would be no winner. However, if players were to give their coins to the tax deposit box and one were to break from the pack by not contributing, they would be at risk of being voted out from the game if discovered.



The discussion between the players

Soon, it becomes clear that there are multiple traitors, who don't pay any taxes. Miroslava Honebami states that they must be working together. Yumeko Jabami decides to assign an amount they each have to pay in order to find out how many traitors there are. Yumeko and Kaede Manyuda then put on a show pretending to be the traitors themselves.

Since the others were worried everyone would lose they all paid 100% taxes. After that Kaede figures out that the real traitors are Itsuki Sumeragi and Miroslava. Itsuki tricked her and Miroslava got expelled, which causes Miroslava to act angry towards Sumeragi, but then decides Miroslava is impressed, especially when she realizes that Itsuki has a crush on Kaede. Itsuki then wins first place.


Itsuki making the bet with Terano


Itsuki Sumeragi made a bet with Terano Totobami on whether or not Kaede Manyuda would manage to get 40 votes. Since he did, Itsuki had to give all her votes she just won and the ones she already had to Terano. But, Itsuki was still happy since she now knew Kaede still had some spirit in him. Then, Itsuki declared that she's officially retiring from the election.


Kakegurui main series

Vote Rock-Paper-ScissorsDouble MemoryLife or DeathIndian PokerESP Game
Top Idol ChampionshipChoice PokerTarot Cards of Fate

Kakegurui xx
The ElectionFinger Cutting GuillotineNim Type Zero100 Votes GambleActive Station
Greater Good GameTower of DoorsHundred Votes AuctionCoin Flip of Fate
Manga only
Gin RummyWarGrand TournamentRock Paper Scissors PokerFasciation HallChange PokerDice Gamble of Jabami Family
Kakegurui Twin
Speed PresidentThree Hit DiceMagic Dice GameCoupling PartyEven or Odd
Treasure HuntDice Nim GameTest Battle GameDoubt PokerHidden Rules
Peeping Tom Baseball FistListen, Weigh, JackpotLittle MaxFull Count BlackjackLimit DiceConquer the LandKoi-KoiBlackjackDice PokerFeudalism Game
Kakegrui Midari
Blackjack 1:1Hand Knife TrickGuess the CardPassive Russian Roulette
Improvised ChinchiroChicken CircleHang BingoKill or Die