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Haruto Kibashira (鬼柱 陽斗) is a supporting character in the spin-off series Kakegurui Twin. He is part of Kanade Musubi's group who gambled against Mary Saotome during the Coupling Party.


Haruto has short and spiky black hair.

He doesn't wear a blazer or necktie, keeping his white shirt open.



Haruto struggling with shuffling cards

Haruto is a very confident guy who appears very tough. However, he isn't as cunning as his friends and isn't that talented of a gambler. He even finds Kanade Musubi a bit creepy at times. Haruto also is clumsy at times or does things, he didn't overthink. He can be seen struggling and being very nervous when he knows that he will probably lose.


Kakegurui Twin[]


Haruto talking to Kurumi

Haruto, along with his friends, is involved in the Couples Bet with the objective of finding a girlfriend. As soon as the presenter announces the free time, Haruto introduces herself right after Nobuya Sera and Ren Kochi. When the time for the discussion was announced, he went with the other boys to discuss the plans. At the time of confessions, Haruto accepted Kurumi Kurume's confession – making them a couple – and even suggested that they really leave after the game, although they were interrupted by Mikura Sado, as she wanted to continue announcing the results. He silently observed with the others Mary Saotome's anger at the results and also Sachiko Juraku announcing the second round (which was not mandatory).

When the hostess announces that there are three minutes until the start of the second round, Haruto asks if Kanade Musubi would participate but he replied that he would not, since he knew that Tsuzura Hanatemari would not confess to him anyway. He's even sadder when he assumes that Yukimi Togakushi wouldn't like the time eating with him, still pointing out that the same "trick" wouldn't work twice. Haruto, a little disconcerted, agrees, but Ren pulls on him, asking what he was doing if they could win that round too and shouldn't stop at the price of three hundred and thirty thousand yen. He goes on to say that even if they lost, Kanade could cover for them, claiming he needed to convince him.

Haruto replies that he didn't know what to say to him. Suddenly, Mamoru says they had good news. Nobuya calls Kanade, saying he knew who would confess to whom in the next round, surprising the three. Ren asked how he knew and Nobuya replied that they were arguing about their best choices. Haruto tried to convince him to participate again, but Kanade said he didn't need the money at that point. Nobuya then blurted out that apparently Yukimi would use the "slumber party" bonus and confess to Kanade. Kanade doesn't seem to believe it and is convinced by Haruto and Ren to participate in the next round. Ren comments that he just lacked the confidence coming from the experience and so Kanade announces that he would participate.

The presenter announces the end of time and asks everyone to sit in their chairs. The two groups did so and stared at each other, some apprehensively. The presenter then announces the beginning of the confessions and Mikura asks if any of the girls would be using any bonuses and Haruto was one of the ones who was surprised that three of them (Mary, Yukimi and Tsuzura) had decided to take a chance on the "sleeping together" discount. Mikura then starts the second round of confessions and Chitose Inui should start, collecting the cards after she's given some thought. Following the plan, she declared herself to Nobuya. The situation started to go sour when Kurumi changed his choice at the last minute, declaring himself to Mamoru instead, then moving on to Yukimi, who declared himself to Haruto. Haruto was elated, Chitose was discredited,

Mary calls Kanade and also declares herself to him. The boys' reactions were exasperated that their plan had failed. Mikura announces that only one pairing was possible: between Chitose and Nobuya, and congratulated them. Chitose didn't know what to say and Mary started to laugh, wondering how stupid they could be.

After the game, all of them also show up at their gambling den in order to have another chance with the girls. They play Doubt Poker, but he gets defeated as they had to play against the very skilled gambler named Sachiko Juraku. Haruto quickly realized how strong their opponent was and saw their loss coming, which made him got visibly nervous. After their defeat, they leave.


Kakegurui Twin[]

List of Gambles[]

Opponents Gambles
  • Mary, Tsuzura, Yukimi, Kurumi & Chitose vs Kanade & his friends
  • Sachiko vs Haruto, Mamoru, Nobuya & Ren
  • Literary Club, Shougou, Kanade & his friends


  • The name Haruto means "light, sun, male" (陽) (haru) and "Dipper" (斗) (to).
  • Haruto's surname Kibashira means "demon/daemon, ogre" (鬼) (ki) and "pillar, post" (柱) (hashira/bashira).