Kakeguirui Twin (Animated), an adaptation of Kakegurui Twin, was announced on November 8th, 2021 on Netflix Japan Anime's Twitter. 6 episodes were released[2].
Original Creators: Homura Kawamoto and Kei Saiki
Chief Director: Yuichiro Hayashi (Kakegurui director)
Director: Kaori Makita (Twittering Birds Never Fly)
Series Composition: Shigeru Murakoshi (The Gymnastics Samurai)
Character Design: Manabu Nii
Chief Animation Director: Manabu Nii, Shuji Takahara, Majiro
Art Director: Masanobu Nomura, Yuki Yokoyama
Color Setting: Ayako Suenaga
3D CGI Director: Masahiro Hiraoka
Photography: Shinnosuke Kato
Editing: Mutsumi Takemiya
Sound Director: Akiko Fujita
Sound Effects: Hiromune Kurahashi
Opening & Ending Theme Song Performer: i☆Ris
Music Production: avex pictures
Animation Production: MAPPA
Kakegurui Twin — (Season 1, 2022)[]
The opening song is Sono Otome Muso, and the ending song is Queens Bluff.
List of Episodes[]
# | Episode Title | Worldwide Airdate |
1 | A Girl Named Mary Saotome | August 4, 2022 |
2 | A Targeted Girl | |
3 | A Traitorous Girl | |
4 | Confessing Girls | |
5 | An Honest Girl | |
6 | A Resisting Girl |
Voice Cast[]
Anime-Manga Differences[]
- The game of Speed President between Mary and Kokoro was way quicker in the anime.
- The game of Even or Odd between Sakura and Midari happened during the second episode, right after the Three Hit Dice game between Mary and Mikura in the anime. However, in the manga, it happened way later, after the Coupling Party.
- In the manga, when Aoi introduces Mary to the Full-Bloom Society, he introduces her to Sakura right after. Mary doesn't accept or decline the invitation. Afterwards, she discusses with Yukimi and Tsuzura whether they're going to side with Full-Bloom or the student council. In the anime, before Mary can accept or deny, the scene shifts to the Coupling Party.
- At the end of episode 4, the literary club members, Kanade, Nobuya, and Mamoru are eating together awkwardly. They don't speak to each other. In the manga, Kanade speaks to Mary, but she turns him down. As she is about to head back home, Kanade accuses her of not liking him because he's fat. Mary responds that she was angry at Kanade for not caring who he'd pick sleepover on during the Coupling Party despite loving Tsuzura.
- In the anime, after Mary defeats Sakura and Aoi asks her to join Full-Bloom, she shoves his hand away and refuses. In the manga, Mary just refuses without shoving his hand away.
- It is dubbed in 12 languages and has subtitles in 34 languages.