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Little Max (リトル・マックス) is a gamble in the Kakegurui Twin manga. It was invented by Tsuzura Hanatemari and Yukimi Togakushi for the cultural festival.


Little Max is a dice game based on probabilities. The first player puts two dice in a cup and shakes it. They check the results of the dice and declare them, passing the cup to the second player. The declaration can be accurate or not. The second player can doubt or not

  • If a player doubts, the dice are checked to see if the first player lied. If the declaration was incorrect, the first player is out; otherwise, the person who doubted loses.
  • If a player believes in the original declaration, they can shake the dice and repeat the process, making a new declaration and passing the cup to a third player. The new declaration has to be higher than the previous one.

The value of the combination is the following:

  • No pair: the single die with the highest number wins (e.g., between 5 + 1 and 4 + 2, 5 + 1 wins because 5 is more valuable);
  • A pair is more valuable than different dice. Between two pairs, the one with the highest number wins;
  • Little Max: a 1 + 2 is the highest combination and will always win.


Mary is amazed by the game that her friends created. They play as dealers in their den during the cultural festival and manage to earn quite a lot of money. However, when Nagi Kamishimo and Soutarou Ibuki show up, they start losing. Mary is furious with Nagi for insinuating that their den is worthless and challenges him to the same game.

Slowly, every player but Mary and Nagi loses. Nagi is bored because the stakes are too low in his opinion and suggests to bet 3 million yen on his result that he claims to be a Little Max. Mary, however, refuses. Nagi gives her 10000 yen and leaves with Soutarou.

When Yukimi and Tsuzura check the cup, they realize that Nagi took away the dice, as he had no intention to gamble and was only testing Mary.


  • The game clearly shares the feature of "doubting" with Mary's Doubt Poker.


Kakegurui main series

Vote Rock-Paper-ScissorsDouble MemoryLife or DeathIndian PokerESP Game
Top Idol ChampionshipChoice PokerTarot Cards of Fate

Kakegurui xx
The ElectionFinger Cutting GuillotineNim Type Zero100 Votes GambleActive Station
Greater Good GameTower of DoorsHundred Votes AuctionCoin Flip of Fate
Manga only
Gin RummyWarGrand TournamentRock Paper Scissors PokerFasciation HallChange PokerDice Gamble of Jabami Family
Kakegurui Twin
Speed PresidentThree Hit DiceMagic Dice GameCoupling PartyEven or Odd
Treasure HuntDice Nim GameTest Battle GameDoubt PokerHidden Rules
Peeping Tom Baseball FistListen, Weigh, JackpotLittle MaxFull Count BlackjackLimit DiceConquer the LandKoi-KoiBlackjackDice PokerFeudalism Game
Kakegrui Midari
Blackjack 1:1Hand Knife TrickGuess the CardPassive Russian Roulette
Improvised ChinchiroChicken CircleHang BingoKill or Die