Mamoru Kuonji (九恩字護) is a supporting character in the spin-off series Kakegurui Twin. He is part of Kanade Musubi's group who gambled against Mary Saotome during the Coupling Party.
He has dark short hair and wears glasses. He has a rather strict look. He also wears his uniform open.
Kuonji appears very serious. He doesn't seem to care that much about the Coupling game at first. But he is very intelligent and has a sharp mind. He strategizes a lot and is one of the best gamblers among his friends.
Kakegurui Twin[]
Mamoru, along with his friends, is involved in the Coupling Gamble with the aim of finding a girlfriend. As soon as the presenter announces the free time, Mamoru introduces herself after Nobuya Sera , Ren Kochi and Haruto Kibashira . When the time for the discussion was announced, he went with the other boys to discuss the plans. At the time of the confessions, Mamoru accepted the confession of Chitose Inui – who was the traitor – making this clear before Mikura Sado. He silently observed with the others Mary Saotome's anger at the results and also Sachiko Juraku announcing the second round (which was not mandatory).
When Kanade was hesitant to participate in the second round even though Haruto and Ren were trying to convince him, Mamoru says they had good news. Nobuya calls Kanade, saying he knew who would confess to whom in the next round, surprising the three. Ren asked how he knew and Nobuya replied that they were arguing about their best choices. Haruto tried to convince him to participate again, but Kanade said he didn't need the money at that point. Nobuya then blurted out that apparently Yukimi would use the "slumber party" bonus and confess to Kanade. Kanade doesn't seem to believe it and is convinced by Haruto and Ren to participate in the next round. Ren comments that he just lacked the confidence coming from the experience and so Kanade announces that he would participate.
The presenter announces the end of time and asks everyone to sit in their chairs. The two groups did so and stared at each other, some apprehensively. The presenter then announces the start of the confessions and Mikura asks if any of the girls would be using any bonuses and Mamoru was one of the ones who was surprised that three of them (Mary, Yukimi and Tsuzura) had decided to take a chance on the "sleeping together" discount. Mikura then starts the second round of confessions and Chitose should start, collecting the cards after she's given some thought. Following the plan, she declared herself to Nobuya, telling Mamoru that it was just for the game and that she still liked him. The situation started to fall apart when Kurumi changed his choice at the last minute, declaring himself to Mamoru instead, then moving on to Yukimi, who declared himself to Haruto,
Mary calls Kanade and also declares herself to him. The boys' reactions were exasperated that their plan had failed. Mikura announces that only one pairing was possible: between Chitose and Nobuya, and congratulated them. Chitose didn't know what to say and Mary started to laugh, wondering how stupid they could be.
After the game the guys also show up at their gambling den in order to have another chance with the girls. They play Doubt Poker, but get defeated since they had to play against the very skilled Sachiko Juraku.
Kakegurui Twin[]
List of Gambles[]
Opponents | Gambles |
- The name Mamoru means "safeguard, protect" (護).
- Mamoru's surname Kuonji means "nine" (九) (ku), "grace, favor, obligation" (恩) (on) and "character, handwriting, section of village" (字) (ji).