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Kakegurui Wikia
Kakegurui Wikia

This is a game of Old Maid that was played between Rin Obami and Kirari Momobami when they were children. It was an important moment in Rin's life. It was originally just meant for fun, but one million Yen were on the line. Rin was doing his best to defraud Kirari. He had planned everything well in advance and Terano Totobami notes, how he was already living up to his name back then.


It is played with a normal deck of 52 cards but with a joker added. The objective is to draw cards from the other player and then make pairs with the ones you have. Each pair is put down and in the end whoever ends up with the joker, who has no match, loses.



Rin Obami after the game

Rin Obami tried to cheat by adding two more jokers to the deck. That way he could lay them down as a pair and Kirari Momobami would lose. But, Kirari saw through his cheat and Rin already thought that she was going to take his two joker cards and expose the lie. But, Kirari didn't actually do that and Rin won instead, but only because Kirari let him.

That way he felt even more suppressed and at the whim of Kirari and the family's hierarchy was once again reinforced. Since then Rin suffered from an inferiority complex and could barely sleep some nights. His sole dream was then to truly beat and trick Kirari.


  • This is the only known, canon Kirari loss.


Kakegurui main series

Vote Rock-Paper-ScissorsDouble MemoryLife or DeathIndian PokerESP Game
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Kakegurui xx
The ElectionFinger Cutting GuillotineNim Type Zero100 Votes GambleActive Station
Greater Good GameTower of DoorsHundred Votes AuctionCoin Flip of Fate
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Gin RummyWarGrand TournamentRock Paper Scissors PokerFasciation HallChange PokerDice Gamble of Jabami Family
Kakegurui Twin
Speed PresidentThree Hit DiceMagic Dice GameCoupling PartyEven or Odd
Treasure HuntDice Nim GameTest Battle GameDoubt PokerHidden Rules
Peeping Tom Baseball FistListen, Weigh, JackpotLittle MaxFull Count BlackjackLimit DiceConquer the LandKoi-KoiBlackjackDice PokerFeudalism Game
Kakegrui Midari
Blackjack 1:1Hand Knife TrickGuess the CardPassive Russian Roulette
Improvised ChinchiroChicken CircleHang BingoKill or Die