The club building-wide Treasure Hunt is a gamble in the Kakegurui Twin manga. Mary Saotome and her friends (Tsuzura Hanatemari and Yukimi Togakushi) play against Sakura Miharutaki to decide whether Mary should be allowed to join Full-Bloom.
Sachiko Juraku supervises the game.
The players have to find the treasure hidden inside the club building. Both players receive a map with hints on the location.
After Juarko explains the rules, the game begins. Tsukura and Yukimi think they need to rush, but Mary observes that they have no need to, because Sakura hasn't even moved after seeing her map. Mary believes that each team were given different maps, so they should avoid Sakura eavesdropping on their discussions.
Mary then proceeds to open the map, and nobody can decipher it. Mary then proceeds to believe that each number represents a room. Her and her team then proceed to check the Manga Research Club. After checking everywhere, they have pulled almost every book from it's shelf. A club member then asks them to file the books back, to which Mary realizes that a book is stuck on something, which happens to be a clue! It reads "Katou Kiyomasa", and nobody knows what it could mean.
Elsewhere, Sakura finds a clue reading "Ushiwakamaru", and she cumples it up saying "Of all the stupid things to come up with..." implying that she knows what the clue means.
Back with Mary's team, they have found two other clues: "Yamata No Orochi" and "Furusato". Yukimi then realizes that these are all songs in The Common Elementary School Songbook, and Tsukura then figures that the map is sheet music instead. They read the sheet music and conclude the song is "Spring Has Come", to which Yukimi realizes that one number is extra, and they visit the room which corresponds with that number.
When then cut to Sakura and Jurako. Sakura has found the treasure the map took her too, and the key it locked to the box, meaning that the other box will open hers. Mary then arrives with her box. They both play the Dice Nim Game to see who gets the rights to the other's box.
After Mary's defeat, Sakura seizes Mary's box and opens it. The contents of the box is Mary's map. Tsukura and Yukimi then return with the correct treasure box. Mary then explains that rather the map detailing a certain floor of the building, it rather is a two-part map, one part being Mary's map and the other being Sakura's, that displays a 3D map of the entire building, and both the incorrect numbers lead to the certain room on the certain floor that contains the correct treasure box. Mary opens the box which contains a coller similar to Mikura Sado's. When Mikura catches eye of it, she is furious. The game concludes with Mary winning full acceptance into Full-Bloom, to which she refuses due to Aoi's sadistic side, and Sakura being fired for losing to Mary.