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Vote Rock-Paper-Scissors (投票ジャンケン) is a modified game of Jankenpo created by the Hana Class second years. Mary Saotome played the game in a gambling match against Yumeko Jabami.


Mary explaining the rules to Yumeko

Mary explaining the game rules to Yumeko.

Each player starts with one hundred and twenty ten thousand yen chips; all together worth one million two hundred thousand yen.

For this game, two players and the cooperation of the whole gang is required. First, there is a voting phase, where everyone will draw rock, paper or scissors on cards and place them in a closed box so that the players cannot see it; then, the two players take three cards from that box and choose which one to play against the other.

Unlike the traditional game, the player does not have all three options; it is more common that they get two the same and one different; having all three in one hand is extremely rare.

If there is a tie, they play their cards until someone wins or the game ends in a tie.


Mary and her trick

Mary confident of her victory due to her trick.

In her game against Yumeko Jabami, Mary cheated using twenty-one students in her favor, Ryota Suzui having the role of indicating to her and the others which cards to draw, so she would have an advantage over Yumeko because she would know the best option for her. win the rounds.



In the first game, they bet two chips, the equivalent of twenty thousand yen, and Yumeko won; Mary congratulated her on that, the former taking two of the latter's chips. Mary asked if she could better understand the rules and asked them to continue, asking how much she would bet next. To both her and Ryota's surprise, Yumeko decided to bet fifty chips, the equivalent of five hundred thousand yen. Mary points out how she seemed to have a good fighting spirit and she denies it but they start the round. As soon as they take their three cards, they play, and it ends up in a tie, so they play again, being Mary's victory, however, Yumeko didn't seem too affected by that, pointing out that she would lose anyway because her cards are all scissors.

Yumeko bets fifty chips

Yumeko betting fifty chips.

She points out that she was lucky to have won a high stake, telling them to continue. They bet two chips in that round and Yumeko wins again, being congratulated by Mary. She asks how much they would bet and Yumeko again says it would be fifty chips, Mary deducing that she wanted to get back what she lost in the penultimate round, claiming she liked it. When they show their cards, it ended up in another tie, cheering those who watched; Mary points out that they thought the same and played again, ending up in Mary's victory and celebration. Those watching noticed how Yumeko had already lost a million yen.

Both continue playing until Yumeko runs out of chips, a fact said by Mary. Although everyone, including Ryota, tried to imagine that she would be scared or maybe desperate, she wasn't. Instead, he asked if he could take additional chips. Mary nodded excitedly, though inwardly she laughed at her for putting herself in a quagmire she couldn't get out of, and asked how many she would add and was surprised to hear her say "a thousand chips." In fact, they all stayed; the equivalent amount was ten million yen. They were even more surprised when she claimed that she would go all in on the next round.

Mary got angry and pointed out how they couldn't bet such an amount without a concrete guarantee, but Yumeko refutes her by taking money in banknotes from her purse. People around her wondered why she carried so much money with her, and Mary said it was insane for them to gamble so high on a simple game of rock, paper, scissors. Saying that madness was what made betting so fun, Yumeko asked them to bet to madness. Mary refused to play and Yumeko teased her, asking if she was cowering. Afraid of having her pride hurt, the other could do nothing but accept her challenge.

Mary sure she will win

Mary sure she will win.

Ryota wondered how she could do such a challenge right after transferring schools, but Yumeko wasn't anxious or nervous, but rather calm and even a little excited about it, which made Mary wonder how she could be in that state of mind. when such an insane bet was going on, but ignored it, since she was certain she would win due to her cheating involving twenty-one students in that class. All it would take was a paper in hand to win the round, grinning maniacally when he saw that he had two papers and a stone.

Yumeko defeats Mary

Yumeko defeats Mary.

Mary is confused that Yumeko is so relaxed and wonders if she would be sure she would win, but denies in her mind that she couldn't possibly know the cards inside the box; she would play role and win. Yumeko, however, asks if she thought she missed the whole scheme; Mary asked if she was trying to delay the revelation of the cards, but Yumeko says that it wasn't, after all, the fun would start now. With that, he asks if she had nothing more to say, if she would hurry up and choose her letter at once. Yumeko laughs and just says she warned her. Annoyed, Mary demands they play at once and the others watch in awe and amazement as the two show their cards. Mary with paper and Yumeko with scissors, meaning that the last one had won that round, to everyone's surprise, including the first one.

Game no. Bet Yumeko's Card Mary's Card Yumeko's stack Mary's stack Difference
#1 2 chips Rock Scissors 122 chips 118 chips 4 chips
#2 50 chips Rock Rock 72 chips 168 chips 96 chips
Scissors Rock
#3 2 chips Paper Rock 74 chips 166 chips 92 chips
#4 50 chips Paper Paper 24 chips 216 chips 192 chips
Rock Paper
#5 2 chips Paper Scissors 0 chips* 240 chips 240 chips
Final 10,000,000 yen Scissors Paper 12,400,000 yen -8,600,000 yen 20,000,000 yen

*Additional rounds which deplete Yumeko’s chips are not shown.


Mary's humiliation

Mary's humiliation in the face of her defeat against Yumeko.

Not believing what had happened, Mary kept her expression startled as Yumeko charged the eight million eight hundred thousand yen she would be owing thanks to her recent loss, pointing out that because she said they would need a concrete guarantee that she would have the money, she would have enough to pay it, however, when Mary mutters that she didn't have it, Yumeko scares her, asking her to say it again and, the first, humiliated, asks for a few days so she can pay her again. appropriately. The latter gathers her things and gets up, leaving Mary in the same position, while saying that she was satisfied for that day, asking everyone to consider her a classmate from the next day, leaving afterwards.


Kakegurui main series

Vote Rock-Paper-ScissorsDouble MemoryLife or DeathIndian PokerESP Game
Top Idol ChampionshipChoice PokerTarot Cards of Fate

Kakegurui xx
The ElectionFinger Cutting GuillotineNim Type Zero100 Votes GambleActive Station
Greater Good GameTower of DoorsHundred Votes AuctionCoin Flip of Fate
Manga only
Gin RummyWarGrand TournamentRock Paper Scissors PokerFasciation HallChange PokerDice Gamble of Jabami Family
Kakegurui Twin
Speed PresidentThree Hit DiceMagic Dice GameCoupling PartyEven or Odd
Treasure HuntDice Nim GameTest Battle GameDoubt PokerHidden Rules
Peeping Tom Baseball FistListen, Weigh, JackpotLittle MaxFull Count BlackjackLimit DiceConquer the LandKoi-KoiBlackjackDice PokerFeudalism Game
Kakegrui Midari
Blackjack 1:1Hand Knife TrickGuess the CardPassive Russian Roulette
Improvised ChinchiroChicken CircleHang BingoKill or Die